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[전북대 FRIC] 농·축산·수의학 분야 신착 인쇄학술지 목차 서비스 (2024년 8월 12일)


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                                이용방법 2. RISS / ScienceON 로그인 후 무료원문복사 신청

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1 American Bee Journal  (2024) v.164 no.7.pdf
2 Animal Bioscience (2024) v.37 no.8.pdf
3 Applied Engineering in Agriculture (2024) v.40 no.3.pdf
4 Coleopterists Bulletin (2024) v.78 no.2.pdf
5 Deutsche Lebensmittel Rundschau (2024) v.120 no.7.pdf
6 Food Protein Trends (2024) v.44 no.4.pdf
7 Good Fruit Grower (2024) v.75 no.12.pdf
8 Holzforschung (2024) v.53 no.6.pdf
9 Lab Animal (2024) v.53 no.7.pdf
10 National Parks (2024) v.98 no.3.pdf
11 New Food Industry  (2024) v.66 no.7.pdf
12 Pan Pacific Entomologist  (2024) v.100 no.2.pdf
13 Rangeland Ecology and Management (2024) v.95 pdf
14 Tinea (2024) v.27 no.2.pdf
15 Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia (2024) v.51 no.4.pdf
16 Veterunary Clinics of North America : Food Animal Practice  (2024) v.40 no.2.pdf
17 Veterunary Clinics of North America : Small Animal Practice (2024) v.54 no.4.pdf
18 果實日本 과실일본 (2024) v.79 no.7.pdf
19 農業と經濟 농업및원예 (2024) v.99 no.7.pdf
20 水土の知 수토노지 (2024) v.92 no.7.pdf
21 植物防疫 식물방역 (2024) v.78 no.7.pdf
22 食品研究与开发 식품연구여개발 (2024) v.45 no.10.pdf
23 食品研究与开发 식품연구여개발 (2024) v.45 no.11.pdf